


    An imachinarium invites us to imagine beyond, by linking us to the “cosmic unknowns”.
 Each imachinarium has its nucleus in “continuous motion” and interrelates three concepts; (1) an andean ancestral deity, (2) a modern cosmic unknown and (3) a universal value.
 They take shape by juxtaposing different dualities, therefore, encompassing a mystical totality. Different qualities come into play: light and shadow, reflection and transparency, the figurative and the abstract; unity and multiplicity; the static and the mobile and both digital and handmade techniques are used in their production.

the cosmos in a constant state of becoming 1 wiracocha: Andean pre-Inca god, creator and orderer of the world 2 dark energy: the universe expands faster and faster, due to some mysterious force 3 “the whole” as becoming: everything is in
continuous motion, in a dynamic exchange
fertility, prosperity and interrelation1 pacha mama: goddess of fertility,
mother earth/time of the Incas 2 multiverse: the universe is fertile
and it can be constituted by many
“small universes”, each with its
own laws (of physics) 3 multipolarity: interrelation between the different parts of the whole.

by fearing chaos; harmonize and avoid harm1 supay: Andean Indians did not repudiate the “devil”, but feared him. They invoked him and worshipped him to prevent him from harming them 2 dark matter: scientists believe that an invisible and mysterious matter, maintains the orbits of our
universe in dynamic equilibrium 3 dynamic balance: balance between the various elements that
make up the whole.

is not about cancelling the “other”, it’s about complementing the parts towards a synergy1 mama quilla/ inti: inca goddess of the moon, inca god of the sun, harmony between the feminine and masculine forces 2 matter/anti-matter: to every particle corresponds an anti-particle, when they interact, they annihilate each other and release energy 3 complementarity: integrated balance in duality, where the opposites united form a mysterious whole.
